Improving Vocational Education: STRIPES Project Consortium Meeting
Last week, our colleagues from VU Amsterdam hosted the second consortium meeting of the STRIPES project. They were joined by colleagues from IRI UL and Lebanese colleagues from CIS College, IRADA, INMAA, and Berytech. The project aims to improve Technical and Vocational Education and Training (T-VET) by developing work-based learning programs that connect graduates with the labour market in Lebanon. The project’s goals include establishing two physical centres, digitizing courses, and creating an online platform that links graduates with the labour market. Ultimately, the project seeks to promote a positive image of T-VET education among students and stakeholders.
The consortium meeting in Amsterdam took place from June 19 to June 25 for the Lebanese partners, while the colleagues from IRI UL joined only for the first two days. Since the initial meeting was held online, this was the first time the partners met in person. The first day included time for introductory greetings and getting to know the participants, followed by a tour of the VU Amsterdam campus led by the Dutch partners. There were also presentations on T-VET education within the Lebanese context. After lunch, the Dutch Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training, and the Labour Market (SBB) gave a presentation, highlighting their efforts to promote vocational education and training. In a subsequent workshop, the partners explore their role in translating labour market demand into qualifications, examinations, and on-the-job-training. After the workshop, participants worked on identifying the success criteria for the STRIPES project.
On the second day, there were presentations from the leaders of the six work packages, aimed at informing and updating partners on the developments within each work package. The participants took the opportunity to thoroughly discuss each work package in person. After lunch, there was a presentation on project and financial management and reporting. The partners continued by reviewing the inception report, which includes the work plan, methodology, goals, timeline, and other key project information. The day wrapped up with a farewell dinner for the colleagues from IRI UL. While the partners from IRI UL returned home, the partners from Lebanon continued with various activities for the next four days. The consortium meeting concluded successfully for all and laid a solid foundation for the project’s continued success.