SONATA Project Consortium Meeting Held Remotely
The SONATA project consortium, which includes IRI UL, met remotely on Monday, October 7, 2024, and Tuesday, October 8, 2024, for the third consortium meeting of the project. On the first day, it was emphasized that the SONATA project is progressing successfully. One of the main topics was related to collaboration between partners, particularly in terms of sharing documents and databases relevant to multiple partners. This also includes the preparation of deliverables for the European Commission. Each partner group presented their progress on their work package and plans for the future, sparking various discussions. After the presentations of the six work packages, there was a presentation by the PhD students involved in the SONATA project. The first day concluded with a workshop titled ‘Mobility and collaboration for Field Track 1 Study,’ led by partners ESAT and KUL.
The second day continued with the presentation of partners responsible for the seventh and eighth work packages, followed by a discussion about the upcoming dissemination workshop, which the partners will hold at the fourth consortium meeting in February next year in Aachen. As on the first day, the second day also ended with a successfully conducted workshop titled ‘Synergies,’ led by partners from TECH.
The partners will meet again next February in Aachen, where they will discuss further development activities of the SONATA project and the dissemination of its results.