Call for proposals
The project is cofinanced from Erasmus+, Strategic partnerships in the field of vocational education and training
1.9.2015 do 31.8.2017
Total eligible costs
€ 195.110,00
Project website
Contact person at IRI UL
Key Challenges
Traditional industrial sectors are labour intensive and characterized by high levels of manual work. In the past years, the production was globally moving to the areas with cheap labour force, causing high levels of long-term unemployment in the respective sectors such as wooden and textile industries. However, opportunities reside in the composite industry, which is characterised by high added value and high complexity of manual work processes. The shortage of skilled labour in the composite industry results from its specific complexity, requiring working habits, working experiences and manual skills – all these tacit assets can be offered by the surplus and currently unemployed labour force from the traditional industrial sectors
CompoHUB project will use the current potentials offered by the labour market as a baseline and furthermore involve additional training activities to re-qualify the surplus labour force to be able to work effectively in the high-tech area of composite industry. The key aim of the CompoHUB project is to develop a holistic training programme to educate, train and – consequently – properly qualify the workers in the field of composite manufacturing, i.e. composite laminators, which will be responsive to the real identified market needs and tailored to the specific identified requirements of the target training group.
Key objective
- The identification of market needs and missing skills gaps.
- Structuring of the relevant knowledge and skill areas in the field of composite manufacturing.
- Developing training programme in line with individuals’ needs to train and properly qualify the workers in the field of composite manufacturing, which will be responsive to the real identified market needs.
- The integration of the developed learning material into an on-line open-source learning platform.
- The integration of the developed training programme into institution based vocational education and training in the field of composite manufacturing in Slovenia and Estonia.