Call for proposals
The project was co-financed under Lifelong learning programme, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of innovation
1.10.2013 do 31.3.2015
Total eligible costs
€ 150.579,52
Contact person at IRI UL
Key Challenge
As exposed in the national Action Plan of the Energy Efficiency 2008 – 2016, Slovenia has relatively high energy intensity which is only slowly being reduced. The National Plan describes several barriers to increasing energy efficiency; one of the main barriers identified is the lack of qualified personnel responsible for property maintenance. Influencing operational parameters without significant investments represents low hanging fruit for savings. However, a key identified barrier towards increasing energy efficiency is the lack of qualified personnel responsible for property maintenance, especially within the public buildings (i.e. caretakers) that would be able to implement soft measures for achieving efficient energy use. Up-to-date no training activities for increased operational efficiency in public buildings are offered in Slovenia and Croatia targeting the specific group of caretakers that would address the challenges in hand.
The main aim of the TRAP-EE is to develop a training programme and to train the caretakers towards achieving operational energy efficiency of the public buildings. The training will reduce the chances that they will inadvertently negatively modify or override building systems essential to maintaining performance. Caretakers can do much good—or inadvertent great harm—depending on whether they understand the impact of their actions on the building’s operational efficiency.
Key Objectives
- Prenos obstoječega izobraževalnega materiala s strani enega projektnega partnerja na ostale štiri projektne ter prilagoditev le-tega glede na specifične potrebe lokalnih okolij oziroma na izobraževalne zahteve ciljne učne skupine skrbnikov javnih stavb (hišnikov).
- Razvoj modela izobraževanja, ki bo povezal učenje z realnim delovnim okoljem, poudarek je na izkustvenem učenju in reševanju konkretnih problemov obratovalne energetske učinkovitosti v stavbah.
- Evalvacija razvitega izobraževalnega programa v slovenskem in hrvaškem okolju, vključeni bodo trije različni segmenti v sektorju javnih stavb (univerzitetne stavbe, stavbe osnovnih šol in administrativne stavbe). Rezultati evalvacije bodo vključeni v končno verzijo razvitega izobraževalnega programa.
- Integracija razvitega izobraževalnega programa v obstoječe prakse poklicnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja ter vseživljenjskega učenja na področju obratovalne energetske učinkovitosti v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem.