Call for proposals
University-City Action Lab is an international project co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships)
1.10.2018 – 31.3.2021
Total eligible costs
€ 291.509,00
Project website
Contact at IRI UL
Key Challenges
Today more than 70 % of Europe’s citizens live in cities. While considered to be the engines of European economy with extensive job opportunities, cities are also places where social and environmental challenges are concentrated, concerning mobility, sustainable land and energy use, inclusion of migrants, digital transformation, and poverty. Universities hold great potential to act as key actors in fostering dialogue among regional stakeholders to initiate and sustain joint actions towards creation of smart and sustainable cities. Despite efforts, direct links between universities and cities are still weak, and urban engagement is not an inherent component of higher education systems not ongoing academic programmes. Higher education institutions (HEIs) lack relevant strategies, tools, sources and knowledge to apply to or engage in city initiatives.
Purpose of the project
The main purpose of the UCITYLAB project is the development of new interdisciplinary educational programmes in the field of urban challenges and their implementation in four pilot cities: Ljubljana, Barcelona, Paris and Porto. It will contribute to developing strategies for the transformation of curricula at universities and address the challenges in the field of education through a practically-oriented approach. Pilot educational programmes will promote cooperation and co-creation among students from four participating universities and various stakeholders of the cities, industry, and the citizens.
Key objectives
- Spodbujati poznavanje in povečati razumevanje univerz na področju vzpostavljanja urbanih partnerstev.
- Podpirati družbeno relevantnost univerzitetnih učnih programov in okrepiti povezave z mestnimi skupnostmi.
- Vpetost študentov v realne izzive mest ter razvoj novih veščin.
- Krepitev povezav med različnimi deležniki urbane skupnosti in spodbujanje kroženja znanja in resursov za urbani razvoj.
- Razširjanje rezultatov projekta s ciljem dolgoročnega nastanka novih učnih programov v širšem evropskem prostoru.