Organisational structure
The formal framework and method of operation of the Institute is defined in the legal acts of the IRI UL. The instuitute performs its activity through project groups composed of competent individuals at University of Ljubljana or other experts in a particular from R&D field. The creation of project teams and the regulation of contractual relations between members and the institution is laid down in the IRI UL Statutes.
In order to carry out research and development activities, the “IRI UL Research Group” was established within the Institute.
At its 36th meeting, on 22 September 2009, the Senate adopted unanimously the contract on associate IRI UL. With this, the Institute acquires the status of Associate Member of the University of Ljubljana. Associated membership will facilitate the implementation of the IRI UL mission, enabling, the use of the information and library system of the UL, and in cooperation with regular members of the UL, the use of their research equipment required for the implementation of joint interdisciplinary projects.